Monday, March 24, 2008

too late to apalogize ....

sometimes when we are extremely angry we do the stupidest things on earth ... for example .. blogging about things sacred and suddenly THAT person reads it and you get BUSTED !! well a few post before i wrote about being always caged us and what a bitch my mum is and everything and of all the people in the world she read it ,, yes my mum and my dad too ,, they were pretty upset about it . BUT you know what ... they understood why i did it . i guess it was a good thing that they read it cause after we all had the longest chat ever and we compromised and understood each other better. i guess i just have to be more patient and a better child i guess. i need time for myself . i need time to mend myself. i have don't a lot of wrongs things in my life. i sometimes don't think . i guess it things like that happen that makes us a better stronger Peron. well .. it is sad but its life . sometimes my parents punish me and say things to me and do not allow me to do certain things i guess i deserve it . i am not exactly perfect neither but i can always mend myself to be a better person . i guess no one is the position to judge my mother . she has gone through enough shit in her life who am i to make it worse than it already is . i guess like people say its easier to see other peoples mistake than too look at yours. i guess i still have alot to learn .. i guess the pain you held on the cross for us is NOTHING compared to what we get here on earth . looking at the cross reminds you of the true god you are and hjow much you love each and every one us and i thank you for that.

a prayer :

dear lord .. i know you have done alot for me , and i cannot thank you enough BUT what i do is make you angry all the time. i have alot to learn and i have your guidance for that . i know i have blame you for alot of things in my life , then i realise what have to done but make my life better and get me out of every shit i get myself into. i am sorry lord . and i know you always say forgive others before you can forgive me . although it is easier said than done but with you anything is possible. lord keep my family safe . hold them as i treasure them alot. lord keep my friends safe too . i cannot live without everyone one them .

in your name i pray



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