Wednesday, August 13, 2008


my thought ........................

i was pondering upon a few thoughts today . just randomly dreaming away , suddenly all this questions pops up in my head. You know as we go through our daily lives , we meet so many people . Sometimes i cant keep tract of who i meet and worse , remembering them. But some do leave impacts in our lives and are remembered as they become best friends and close ones too. Then this questions poped up in my head.

One day i am stuck somewhere at a roadside , someone has been following me i am scared or i just met with a terrible accident . Who was i going to call . My dad who live at least 500 KM away from me on weekdays ? My mum who would definitely come but would not know what to do . My fellow aunties and uncles in KL ? My best friend ? my friend ? Will you come all the way to where i am ? As we go through my phases of life , i realise some people say friends become more important then family at a certain stage of life.

BUT right now i am thinking if my house were robbed . Or if my mum suddenly got angry and went out of the house , i broke down and cried so loud , would u come all the way ? A friend ? A family member ?

What if my car broke down outside my house n me being a girl i panic have no bloody idea what to do. i call people and i get replies : i am at a friends house sorry , oh Adele its too late i cant go sorry. oh Adele i am not at home sorry. ha ? your house very far la sorry. will there be someone that the moment i call the person drops everything and says OK I AM ON MY WAY DON'T PANIC I'LL come

i have almost 300 people in my phone book . if i were to text all 300 how many would actually reply me that way and say YES I"LL COME . honestly i can tell you right now i can only think on at least 10 people or maybe less . These are facts of life.

I may have 400 people on my FaceBook . out of the 400 who knows my real name . who knows me ? who knows my fav colour , who knows what i like to wear , who knows what kind of person i really am ? WHO KNOWS ?? This is neither am i saying i have BAD friends . My friends are everything to me , each and everyone of them matter but the problem is this WILL THEY SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT ME . out of the 1000 friends i have WHO WILL ?

yes its wrong for me to judge its wrong for me to post this post trying to implement to the whole world Adele has no friends she can trust . A friends cries to the heavens , torn down by emotions , calls you at 1 am ,you have a cerfue . which of you are willing to get screwed up by your parents bit that cerfue and go help your friend . First of all i know you would say depends who is it , am i right ?

that's another question i always ponder . i always say i have SO many friends but a handful of good friends . BUT in a shitty situation Will you be suprise if i said the one to help is not my best friend , a friend who barely knows me maybe a year compared to a friend who knew me since secondary? someone asked me before . Are u willing to die for a friend . and this is what i answered " if you cant appreciate your own life how do you want to appreciate another". But then i thought again my heart is too soft to let that friend go . SO would i die for her/him . IF i asked you , then again you will ask depends who . We prioritise our friends BUT sometimes prioritise wrongly sadly . sometimes this " random" thought of mine scares me for life BUT think about it . How much do i say is true and to what point ?

why don't you take a second and think of all the things i said . are you in the same position as me ? are you in a better position then me ? are you in a worse position then me ? think about it fora while ....................



Clare Chiara said...

I'd be there 4 u..

del88 said...

i love you clare

Listener said...

9:12 Worth A Wait

"Sometimes when solitude occurs, you will find yourselves surrounded by angel so long your mental is secured from the dark side of the Force"

Iland 9:12 "Alliances & Friends"
Worth A Wait